String Explorers
Our String Explorers program is designed to be a beginning strings ensemble for enthusiastic performers, and the literature we play will be roughly on par in difficulty with Suzuki Book 2-3 and graded literature 2.5-3. Students in this ensemble usually have about 1.5-2.5 years of experience. Students in this group:
- Understand the basic concepts of reading music
- Have Fundamental note and rhythm reading skills
- Have functional awareness of dynamics
- Have reasonable facility in the keys of D major and G major
- Are able to demonstrate use of the different parts of the bow
- Play with correct intonation the majority of the time, or demonstrate awareness of and ability to correct
Goals for this group include:
- Improve technique and performance practices
- Attain and demonstrate ensemble skills
- Achieve individual and group goals
- Incorporate the regular use of vibrato
- Create a culture of professionalism, enjoyment of music and desire to succeed
- Promotion to the next higher ensemble upon completion of a successful season
Students do not need prior orchestral experience for this group, but do need to be playing or approaching graded literature 2 level. This group rehearses from 5:00-6:30PM on Sunday afternoons. Ms. Angela Sledge conducts this group.
Recent Sample Repetoire includes
- Streets of Shilin by William Owens
- Flight by Susan Day
- Spartacus by Brian Balmages